Our Offer

The Triangle of Strategy, Policy and Business

Do you have a project or a challenge in your business that requires strategic planning, political know-how and economic expertise in implementation?

If you want to count on international, European and local Austrian experience in policy and industry, then we are always at your command.

You can be confident that we will define realistic objectives with you on your way and achieve measurable results.

The Triangle of Public Officials, Healthcare Providers and the Healthcare Industry

Are your products and services important or even vital for the people who are in urgent need of the Austrian health care system?

And yet the Austrian health care system, be it the office-based or the hospital sector, is complex and difficult to assess – both for you as a provider or producer and for patients.

We are the partners at your side who will provide you with competent advice and support. We will help you successfully navigate the triangle between the political arena, healthcare providers and the healthcare industry – in the best interests of your patients.

The Triangle of Analysis, KPIs and Active Management

Do you focus on reliable results and are you well known for evaluating your success using performance metrics and quantifiable KPIs?

On the road to your commercial success, however, you are exposed to numerous determinants in politics, administration, licensing and reimbursement. This influences the quality of your financial forecasts.

We are your first point of contact for a solid analysis, a clear interpretation or quantitative evaluation as well as for the active management of external developments and factors.

Our Services


Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy

  • Stakeholder mapping and analysis
  • Monitoring and scenario development of the political arena
  • Issues analysis
  • SWOT- and PEST-analysis of your business environment

Political System and Health Care

  • Market Access and reimbursement consulting in the Austrian hospital landscape
  • Orientation within processes, management and scientific leadership in hospitals
  • Trainings for your employees on the political or reimbursement environment in Austria as well as on the Austrian health care system in general
  • Workshops to prepare and accompany measures at the interface of your  company with policy makers and health care providers
Active Management

Active Management

  • Stakeholder management and governmental affairs based on a quantitative measurement of results
  • Representation of interests and lobbying along clearly defined KPIs
  • Preparation and professional accompaniment of official meetings (speaking documents, sparring, definition of objectives, KPI measurement, etc.)
  • Networking and platform development
  • Preparation and support in dealing with public authorities
Reputation Management

Reputation Management and Science Communications

  • Classic public relations
  • Reputation deficit analysis
  • Strategy development and integration
  • Campaigning
  • Texting
  • Issues management

The Method


Consulting and services from the spectrum of governmental affairs and public affairs have a reputation for being difficult to measure and evaluate. However, your shareholders rightly expect you to make investments only if you can foresee quantifiable results. This is all the more true when it comes to responsibility for people’s health.

This explains why we concentrate on the measurable definition, tracking and achievement of objectives using KPIs as you know them from your daily work. We want to be successful in achieving your business goals together and to be able to prove this success quantitatively.

Use Cases

Im Gespräch zu zweit

Strategic and policy support

You are facing a complex task that requires political know-how. At the same time, your team is specialized in other areas or you have no additional resources available internally. Regardless of whether you have your own department for Public Affairs or Governmental Relations, our external view of your business, our know-how in European and Austrian politics as well as our understanding of the Austrian reimbursement landscape will bring you the crucial capacity boost you need in this situation.

Im Gespräch mit Arzt

Market access in the healthcare sector and especially in the hospital field

The Austrian health care and social security system and especially the hospital sector are sometimes a mystery even to long-standing experts. It thus makes sense for you to concentrate on selling your own products and services – and to benefit from our expertise in health matters.

Im Gespräch zu dritt

Efficient public affairs management for your market entry

You operate internationally and prepare your market entry in Austria or the European Union. We will provide a consistent analysis of the environment and a tailored public affairs support for your market launch. With modern communication tools and our extensive knowledge both of the specific needs of international companies as well as of local or European politics, we are at your service. At all times.

Michael Eipeldauer

Portrait vor Mauer


Various leading roles both in the pharmaceutical and medtech industry

Consulting and service development for leading university clinics and hospitals all over Austria, e.g.

  • Strategic consulting for hospital C-suites
  • Development and establishment of clinical pathways
  • Operational excellence programs
  • Training projects in the area of Lean Six Sigma


Lecturer in Public Affairs with a focus on health policy

Master’s degree in political science and communication science, graduated with distinction, University of Vienna

Has been working on his doctoral thesis on the measurability of public affairs at the University of Vienna in his spare time since 2018

Policy and Politics

Extensive experience gained as media spokesperson of the City of Vienna’s health department, responsible for strategy, communication and policy of numerous municipal departments, in particular for the hospitals of the City of Vienna, for public health, health policy and social affairs. Between 2010 and 2012, Michael was responsible for the development of the Vienna Hospital Concept 2030 in a leading function of a top team.

International experience as press officer in the European Parliament (Brussels, Strasbourg).

Röntgen Screens

Selection of Clients

Logo Wiener Ordensspitäler
Logo ÖGK
Logo BÖI
Igepha Logo
Logo Initiative Wund?Gsund!
Logo Geriatrienetzwerk Kärnten

Code of Conduct

Public affairs activities by Eipeldauer-Consulting are based on the Austrian Public Affairs Association (OePAV) Code of Conduct.

Please contact us

Bluesky: @meipeldauer.bsky.com